Our People!
Upper Cumberland Broadcast Council
Executive Committee/Officers
Chair - Amy Hollars
Vice Chair - Bryce McDonald
Secretary - Devin Baranowski
Treasurer - Kelly Clarkson
WCTE President/CEO - Avery Hutchins (non-voting)
Board Trustees
Dr. Michael Aikens
Dr. Bonita Barger
Hilton Conger
Lillian Hartgrove
Michael Holt
Melaney Madewell
Alma Mendez
April Smith Patterson
Rebecca Paul
Tom Savage
Speaker Cameron Sexton
Kendall Smith Phillips
Tim Tewalt
Eric Walker
Board Emeritus Members
Dr. Kathy Bertram
Mike Galligan
Nina Lunn
WCTE Leadership Team
Avery Hutchins - President & CEO - ext #220
Craig LeFevre - Station Manager - ext #210 (Biography)
Cephas N. Ablakwa Sr., Phd. - Director of Education & Engagement - ext #303
Ralph Welch, Jr. - Chief Engineer & Director of Engineering Services - ext #225
Daniel Duarte - Director of Content & Digital Media - ext. #222
Currently Open - Director of Development & Marketing - ext. #300
WCTE Collaborative Team
Jordyn Wyzgowski-Wachter - Executive Administrative & Marketing Assistant
Patti Cloud - Donor Relations Manager
Amber Carl - Development Events Coordinator
Tiffany McDonald - Manager, Corporate Relations
Craig Gray - Senior Producer & Art Director
Zach Beckman - Assoc. Producer/Editor
Alicia Masterson - Broadcast Traffic Coordinator
Greg Watterworth - IT Coordinator
Jake Wells - Traffic Associate/Broadcast Technician
Sarah Savage - Education & Engagement Coordinator
Vanestia Jennings - Education & Engagement Project Manager
Cindy Putman - Education & Engagement PRN
WCTE Community Advisory Board
Drema Neely - Chair
Joyce Tatum
Hope Vargas
Alejandra Cisneros Conohan
Johnnie Wheeler
Avery Hutchins, President & CEO
A native of the Upper Cumberland, Hutchins earned her BA from TTU, as well as her MBA from Western Governors University (WGU). She serves on several national committees, including the PBS Development Advisory Committee, the Digital and Membership Working Group, the Relational Fundraising Working Group, the NETA Marketing and Communications PLC Advisory Committee, the PBS KIDS Advisory Board, the PBS Children’s Media and Education Station Leadership Committee, and the PBS Early Childhood Education Development Strategies Working Group. Hutchins joined WCTE in 2011.
“Working for WCTE has been more than a job to me,” commented Hutchins. “It’s been about the mission and belief in the work. WCTE PBS changes lives through its programming and educational outreach. Because of that, we can build stronger communities that serve and support each other. I find it very rewarding to serve our communities, and the work I’ve done since I started at WCTE has been my passion!"